Feeder Sales will be the 3rd Wednesdays of February, March, April, and September, October, November.
Feeder cattle can still be sold on our Saturday auctions during these months.
The Wednesday sales are just a way to help spread out the higher head counts of feeder cattle we receive on Saturday’s in the spring and fall seasons.
With these record high cattle prices, buyers are not willing to take a chance on buying unvaccinated calves. Here are some tips to help your calves bring higher prices.
Vaccinate with 2 rounds of a 5 way respiratory vaccine, like Bovishield Gold
Vaccinate with 2 rounds of an 8 way clostridial vaccine, like Ultrabac 8
Wean your calves for a minimum of 45 days
Bunk break your calves. Get them used to coming up to a bunk or into a barn to get their feed
Give a shot of Multimin 90 for a good dose of extra trace minerals
We often get customers saying they “don’t need to vaccinate their calves because they have a closed herd, with no sickness”.
That is awesome for your herd at home, but all the calves being sold are going to a new environment with, most likely with other calves from lots of other different places.
The calves need the most help their immune system can get during the stressful time of being weaned and brought to town.

Saturday, February 22nd & Feb Feeder Sale Market Report
2/22/2025 Market Report & Feeder Sale Report